Photos by:
Rick Jacquot
John D. brought a variety of specimens for show and tell.
Above, nice blue beryl and phantom quartz that John is collecting at one of his secret locations.
Above, rose quartz, green tourmaline, petrified wood and agate John collected while in South Dakota.
John also brought a lot of South Dakota tourmaline and local SC garnet for giveaways. We all found a treasure to take home.
A few new MAGMA members.
I noticed that the last two club picnics had a low attendance. Since this is also our annual club meeting and I had Steve Penley and Dave Hillhouse there, we made a decision about the future picnics. Our MAGMA roundup has grown over the past several years from about 20 people to over 120 people attending each year, at the same time the club picnic has shown a decline in attendance. We have decided to eliminate the club picnic and concentrate on the yearly roundup. We will be announcing a date for the roundup soon.
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